samedi 10 avril 2010

Day 6

Kids and parents were invited to fend for themselves for brunch... in the afternoon, though, Jed taught the kids how to make tapenade with some tasty olives that we bought at the market.

Moelleux au Chocolat

Preheat oven to 177°C (350˚F)

10 oz. 70% baking chocolate

1 ¼ cups butter, diced

5 eggs

¾ cups sugar

½ cup flour

extra butter (room temp) for buttering the cupcake molds

1 Melt chocolate on low flame in a bain-marie (double boiler). When melted, take off flame, and…

2 Stir in diced butter, until it melts.

3 In another bowl, beat eggs and sugar, until the mixture starts to whiten.

4 Stir in melted chocolate and then add the flour.

5 Butter 4 individual ramekins, and pour in chocolate batter.

6 Cook for about 10 minutes.

7 Tip ramekins upside down onto dessert plates and serve topped with a scoop of pistachio ice cream and a swirl of crème anglaise.


Crème Anglaise

(this is the recipe I used for our crème anglaise… just in case you are feeing adventurous)

2 cups light cream or half and half

1 vanilla bean (or 2 tsp vanilla extract)

1/3 cups sugar

5 large egg yolks

Have a fine medium-sized strainer and bowl ready near the stove.

In a stainless steel bowl stir together, using a wooden spoon, the sugar and yolks until well blended. (Do not let this mixture sit too long or a film will develop.)

In a small saucepan heat the cream and vanilla bean (or vanilla) just to the boiling point. Remove from heat and whisk a few tablespoons of the cream into the yolk mixture. Then, gradually add the remaining cream, whisking constantly.

Pour this mixture into a medium sized saucepan and, over medium heat, gently heat the mixture to just below the boiling point (170 - 175 degrees F) (77 - 80 degrees C). You will notice that steam will begin to appear and the mixture will be slightly thicker than heavy cream. Do not boil or the eggs will curdle. Check to see if it is the right consistency by holding a wooden spoon sideways that is covered with the custard and run your finger along the back of the spoon. If the streak remains without the cream running down through the streak, it is ready.

Immediately remove from the heat and pour through the strainer, scraping up any thickened cream that settles on the bottom of the pan. Remove the vanilla bean and scrape the seeds into the sauce. Stir until seeds separate. For maximum flavor, return the pod to the sauce until serving time. (If you are using pure vanilla extract, instead of the vanilla bean, add it to the cream now.)

The creme anglaise can be refrigerated covered with plastic wrap for a couple of days.

Note: If sauce was overheated and curdling occurs, pour instantly into a blender and process until smooth before straining. If necessary, add a little heavy cream to the mixture before blending.

Makes about 2 cups


Bouillabaise (see e-mail)

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