mardi 6 avril 2010

Day 2

Cooking with Élodie!

Another version of Brandade
Tarte Tatin

In France, eating schedules are a little bit different than back home. Everyone takes a small breakfast, usually some kind of spread on a baguette in the morning. Then, mid morning you might have a little snack. The largest meal of the day is lunch; everyone sits down together and serves themselves family style. Around 4 in the afternoon, we take a gouté, which translates to ''snack'' in english. This snack is usually something sweet for the kids after they get home from school. Finally, at around 8, a small dinner is eaten, and desert is usually a fruit or a yogurt (what we might think of as breakfast food).

I wanted to teach the kids about the idea of having a gouté. Something sweet before dinner, rather than right before going to bed. So we made crêpes! They are such a fun and easy snack... and you can please everyone's taste buds!

Nutella banane/ confiture / citron sucre / crème de marrons (chestnut cream) / warm chèvre with honey and walnuts… I could go on…
Serving size depends on the size of each crêpe.

1 cup flour
2 eggs
¾ cup milk
¾ cup water (replace some or all of the water with beer or hard cider!)
pinch of salt
2 ½ tbls unsalted butter, melted
1 tbls of sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 bowl
1 frying pan

1 In a bowl mix the flour and eggs

2 Add the milk and water, followed by the salt, sugar, and melted butter.

3 If you have time, it helps to let this batter sit for a few hours, up to a day before you use it. (tip: make in large batches, cover it and leave it in the fridge for when you need it! Don’t let it sit for too long though…)

4 Start making crêpes! Traditionally, they are very thin so if you think your batter is too thick, experiment! Add more liquid or more flour to get the consistency YOU like.

5 Now fill them with your favorite treats! Crêpes can also be savory so don’t forget about cheese, mushrooms, ham, eggs… (you can really get creative).

Lamb à Pistou (see e-mail)
photos from start to finish:

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